Lyneborg Grønt ApS
Cvr.: 26675367
Århusvej 56, DK-8963 Auning
Michael Lyneborg
Sales Manager
Michael takes care of purchases and sales, both for Christmas trees and greenery and plant protection.
Tlf. + 45 8649 2600
Fax. + 45 8649 2601
Bil. + 45 4033 0786
Morten Dalby Frisk
Morten takes care of the planning and execution of construction work.
Tlf. + 45 8649 2600
Bil. + 45 2273 3240
Hanna Zobbe Frølund Lyneborg
HeadHanne takes care of all the administration including settlements with suppliers, accounting and billing.
Tlf. + 45 8649 2600
Fax. + 45 8649 2601
Bil. + 45 4043 6287
Ulla Vestbjerg
Ulla takes care of bookkeeping/accounting and other administrative tasks, including responsible for the web-site
Tlf. + 45 8649 2600
Bil. + 45 22371674